This full-bodied blend boasts a rich and intense taste. Deep, dark, and a touch mysterious, this blend brews a serious cup.
This is whole bean coffee, need your coffee ground? Check out out grind selection chart to choose your perfect grind for your brewing needs.
Roast level: Dark roast
Tasting notes: Smokey, Roasted Almonds, Earthy
Blend Origin:
Honduras (washed)
Colombia (washed)
More Info
Balzacs Coffee Roasters Deeply rooted in the traditional European artistry and hand-crafted coffee roasting, Balzacs micro-roasts the finest selection of high-grown Arabica beans in single 35 kilogram batches. They employ no automated or continuous feed technology. Each varietal is carefully roasted to a degree that will preserve and enhance its inherent and unique qualities. Our roasting style reflects the insight and philosophy of the Slow Food Movement, which we believe has a strongly discernible effect on the resulting taste and quality of our coffees.
Two terms specific to any roast cycle are “first crack” and “second crack.” These both refer to a physical transformation the beans undergo while roasting. Green coffee beans retain a lot of moisture and this moisture is continually evaporating during the roast cycle. When the coffee reaches about 395°F, the moisture evaporation builds up to the point of literally splitting the bean open, causing an audible noise known as first crack. Then, as the roast progresses, coffee naturally takes on CO2 during the roast cycle. If the roast goes long and dark enough – as we do with A Dark Affair – this buildup of CO2 will cause another physical and audible change in the makeup of the coffee, splitting the bean further and causing what is known as second crack.
100% Arabica whole bean coffee